Melaleuca nesophila

Melaleuca nesophila, commonly known as Showy Honey Myrtle, is an evergreen tree or large shrub that can grow up to 3 m tall. It is a popular choice for landscaping due to its attractive flowers, which bloom in the summer and range in color from pink to purple. The foliage is also highly ornamental, with narrow leaves that have a pleasant citrus scent when crushed. Melaleuca nesophila is highly drought tolerant and can grow in a wide range of soil types, making it a versatile choice for gardens and landscapes. It is also a popular choice for attracting bees and other pollinators.

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Height: 2-3 m

Width: 2-3 m

Aspect: Prefers full sun to part shade.

Flowers: Produces pink or purple flowers in the summer.

Uses: It is often used as an ornamental plant in gardens, due to its attractive flowers and foliage. It is also useful for erosion control and for attracting birds and other wildlife to the garden. The oil from its leaves has been traditionally used by Indigenous Australians for medicinal purposes.

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